13 APR 2013 by ideonexus
We Are Against Everything, but For Nothing
People who publicly protest are not only passionate and well meaning; they are also generally well informed. I found it incongruous that these same people advocated no real solutions. They appeared passionate about what they were against, but when it came time to propose an alternative course of action, they seemed befuddled.
It occurred to me I was witnessing some new form of gridlock: If we are against the war and also simultaneously against every withdrawa plan, how do we move forward? T...For every proposal, it seems like there are twenty objections. Is this human nature? It does make us easy to manipulate.
17 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Notes from the "Fun With Citations" Session
No direct quote for this meme.These are general notes summarizing comments from audience members and speakers for this session:
- Taking pdfs extracting text and semantically marking them up, hyperlinking reference lists to their source articles.
- Mendeley http://www.mendeley.com/
- http://www.mendeley.com/research-papers/computer-and-information-science/
- Citations have no meaning the way we use them now.
- Most papers aren’t cited, long tail graph (zitiny ziphian curve graph?)
- Citation Graph, collaborative filtering,.
- Citations need context. How will that happen? Need to know why something was cited (ie. Disagreement).
- We don’t disagree with papers, we disagree with claims made in papers. Why can’t a citation point at a place in the article?
- Question: Is reference extraction beyond the scope of any non-commercial company? Mendeley is a company.
- Answer: There’s no single source of open bibliographic data.
- Sage, SocialSciences,Crossref, webofscience, google scholar, etc – how useful are these sites. They provide metrics and recommendations, but not much more than going directly to the journal.
- Social Networking in article recommendations, connect content to people, conversations around papers, systems don’t encourage conversations, people don’t want to participate.
- Criticism of Mendeley: algorithms shoudl be open, academics should be able to define their own algorithms
- Mendeley's plan is to extract reference data and make it publicly available and machine readable.
- Criticism: academics need an open bibliographic data set.
- Need to explain type of citation: positive vs. negative citations, valence terms, sentiment analysis/machine vs. human curated
- Ontologies don't capture all reasons someone is citing something (ie. "Cited because I work for this journal." "Cited because Darwin will make you think I'm smart." "Cited because teacher required five citations.")
- References are separated into their own section, removing them from the text. Unlike links, which are immediate.
- Peer Review: example of a reviewer rejecting a paper because it didn't cite his own paper.
- People need to make use of the REL attribute in HREF tags.
- Citations can be used in a tribal sens, citing people in our camp and excluding others.
- Description of citations as "frozen footprints in the snow"
- Why do we need 1,000 citation styles?
- Librarian: Questions about citations styles from students are constant and frustrating.
- Orchid: cross-company effort to standardize citations.
- Let people write citations however they want, but add an identifying number.
- Mendeley is developing an open-source citation style editor.
17 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Notes from the Science-Art Session
No direct quote for this meme.Summaries of comments made during the science art session by artists and audience members:
- Hawks – interested in reconstruction, detailed realism, Neanderthal terminator, there is a tradition in anthropology of illustrating, Neanderthal are reconstructed to look doomed and confused, like it when illustrators and artists bring humanity into them, humor, Kenise Brothers give smiles to them, pose them, which isn’t scientific because we don’t know these things, but also more scientific because it isn’t so clinical
- Orr – orogenic.blogspot.com geometric, abstract illustrations of birds
- Links ot other artists on the wiki page: Carl Buell, etc http://scio11.wikispaces.com/Science-Art
- Radiohead/Nine Inch Nails Model: put a lot free stuff online in hopes of eventually being hired to do something custom, people expect images for free
- Criticism of Mellow's Darwin painting: the steps were too linear, it should have been a bush growing out of his head
- Svpow.wordpress.com – fantasy images of brachiosaurs, not scientifically accurate, but memorable. Brian Ang.
- My Favorite Anthropology Sculpture of Homo Erectus at the Hall of Human Origins - post a link to this image in the wiki.
- The monkey rising to become man iconic image is really wrong and hurts evolution’s image outside of the field. Mitochondria is another example, in cells they are not blobs, but are networked.